MedicusEHR Webinars

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MedicusEHR Webinars

Estos Webinars, son adiestramientos en línea de contenido específico, de una (1) hora de duración aproximadamente. El objetivo de los Webinars es ofrecer capacitación en línea, para que los usuarios de MedicusEHR no tengan que abandonar sus instalaciones, ni invertir mucho tiempo.

  • MAYO

¿Cómo realizar órdenes, prescripciones y referidos?

10 de mayo de 2022 | 9:00am

Manejo de Daily List

24 de mayo de 2022 | 4:00pm

¿Configuración Clínica?

Finalizado el webinar conocerá como:
  • Manejo del User Center
  • Manejo de Frequently Used Medications
  • Manejo de Clinical Decision Support
  • Como crear, editar, e inactivar CDS
  • Manejo de Clinical Lab Test
  • Como crear, editar, e inactivar paneles
  • Manejo de Snippets
  • Manejo de Medications Look Up
  • Manejo de Review of Systems
  • Manejo de Physical Exam
  • Manejo de Diagnosis
  • Manejo de Procedures

26 de mayo de 2022 | 9:00am


6 de mayo de 2022 | 9:00am

Configuración Administrativa

Finalizado el webinar conocerá como:
  • Manejo del Site
  • Manejo de Documents Templates

12 de mayo de 2022 | 4:00pm

Configuración de los Quick Notes

Finalizado el webinar conocerá como:
  • Crear formularios, cuestionarios y evaluaciones para fácil manejo de la documentación clínica
  • Modificar Quick Notes
  • Importar y exportar Quick Notes en varias áreas de la nota; history of present illness, social history, review of system, physical exam, assessment notes, treatment recommendations, procedure

17 de mayo de 2022 | 9:00am

Configuración de los Códigos F

Finalizado el webinar conocerá como:
  • Documentar información clínica para inferir códigos F

2 de mayo de 2022 | 4:00pm

Documents Template

Finalizado el webinar conocerá como:
  • Crear y/o editar documentos
  • Como manejar los documentos

4 de mayo de 2022 | 9:00am

By: Ray

Carta Circular 20-028 & ANEJOS

In: Circulares, Noticias

Carta Circular 20-028
Portal de Inscripción de Proveedores Fase 4

Carta Circular 20-028 | ANEJO
1-PRMP Wave 4 Letter Spanish -Español

Carta Circular 20-028 | ANEJO
Anejo 2 PRMP Wave 4 Letter English – Inlgés

By: Ray

Guía para solicitar fondos de CARES Act

In: Circulares, Comunicados, Noticias

Este enlace provee una guía sobre como solicitar la ayuda de CARES Act para los proveedores. Es tipo curso y tiene toda la información necesaria con teléfonos y correo electrónico para dudas. Estos fondos están bajo la jurisdicción de HHS directamente no de CMS. Este portal está muy claro y provee los recursos necesarios para solicitar los fondos y el proceso a seguir. Por favor compártanlo con todos los proveedores de PR.

By: Ray

CMS Reevaluates Accelerated Payment Program and Suspends Advance Payment Program

In: Circulares, Comunicados, Noticias

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it is reevaluating the amounts that will be paid under its Accelerated Payment Program and suspending its Advance Payment Program to Part B suppliers effective immediately. The agency made this announcement following the successful payment of over $100 billion to healthcare providers and suppliers through these programs and in light of the $175 billion recently appropriated for healthcare provider relief payments.

CMS had expanded these temporary loan programs to ensure providers and suppliers had the resources needed to combat the beginning stages of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Funding will continue to be available to hospitals and other healthcare providers on the front lines of the coronavirus response primarily from the Provider Relief Fund. The Accelerated and Advance Payment (AAP) Programs are typically used to give providers emergency funding and address cash flow issues for providers and suppliers when there is disruption in claims submission or claims processing, including during a public health emergency or Presidentially-declared disaster.

Since expanding the AAP programs on March 28, 2020, CMS approved over 21,000 applications totaling $59.6 billion in payments to Part A providers, which includes hospitals. For Part B suppliers, including doctors, non-physician practitioners and durable medical equipment suppliers, CMS approved almost 24,000 applications advancing $40.4 billion in payments. The AAP programs are not a grant, and providers and suppliers are typically required to pay back the funding within one year, or less, depending on provider or supplier type. Beginning today, CMS will not be accepting any new applications for the Advance Payment Program, and CMS will be reevaluating all pending and new applications for Accelerated Payments in light of historical direct payments made available through the Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) Provider Relief Fund.

Significant additional funding will continue to be available to hospitals and other healthcare providers through other programs. Congress appropriated $100 billion in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (PL 116-136) and $75 billion through the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (PL 116-139) for healthcare providers. HHS is distributing this money through the Provider Relief Fund, and these payments do not need to be repaid.

The CARES Act Provider Relief Fund is being administered through HHS and has already released $30 billion to providers, and is in the process of releasing an additional $20 billion, with more funding anticipated to be released soon. This funding will be used to support healthcare-related expenses or lost revenue attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure uninsured Americans can get treatment for COVID-19.

For more information on the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund and how to apply,

For an updated fact sheet on the Accelerated and Advance Payment Programs, visit:


Get CMS news at, sign up for CMS news via email and follow CMS on Twitter CMS Administrator @SeemaCMS, @CMSgov, and @CMSgovPress.

By: Ray

Carta Circular 20-0421

In: Circulares, Noticias

Carta Circular 20-0421
Actualización – Regulación del despacho de Cloroquina e Hidroxicloroquina debido al Estado de Emergencia causado por COVID-19

By: Ray

Carta Circular 20-024 & ANEJOS

In: Circulares, Noticias

Carta Circular 20-024
Portal de Inscripción de Proveedores Fase 3

Carta Circular 20-024 | ANEJO
1-PRMP Wave 3 Letter Spanish 04172020-Español

Carta Circular 20-024 | ANEJO
Anejo 2 PRMP Wave 3 Letter English 04172020- English

By: Ray